Jefferson Presbyterians present $4,500 in grants and a whole lot of soup

The First Presbyterian Church of Jefferson was recently awarded three mission grants through the North Central Iowa Presbytery. The church mission team applied for grants to benefit Midwest Behavioral Health/ Iowa House Inc, Adopt-A-Family, and the Good Samaritan Fund.

Midwest Behavioral Health and Iowa House Inc support those seeking treatment for substance dependency and mental illness. The $3,000 grant will help defray the expenses in opening the Iowa House, a group home residential facility.

Pictured (from left) are mission team member Marg Mumma, Megan Waters of Midwest Behavioral Health/ Iowa House Inc, and mission team member LeAnn Monaghan.

The $750 grant for Adopt-A-Family will benefit the more than 150 families who receive food baskets at Christmas time. Adopt-A-Family also helps families with winter coats in the fall.

Pictured are (from left) Pastor Bill Kem, Sherry Graven representing the Adopt-A-Family board, and mission team members LeAnn Monaghan and Kathy Kempfer.

The Good Samaritan Fund was awarded $750. The fund helps provide emergency relief for families. The money is contributed by area churches, civic organizations and individuals and is used for such things as help with utilities, rent and water bills. The emphasis is to keep families in their homes or keeping the utilities connected. Teresa Lansman at New Opportunities administers the fund.

Pictured (from left) are Kathy Kempfer, Teresa Lansman of New Opportunities, and LeAnn Monaghan.

The Greater Greene county Presbyterian Ministry recently held a soup collection for the Super bowl. Members of the Jefferson church collected 2,324 cans of soup and delivered them to the Action Resource Center food pantry. Additionally, the Paton Presbyterian church donated $175 to the food pantry.

Pictured delivering soup to the Action Resource Center are (from left) Steve Haupert, Doug Monaghan, Bill Monroe, food pantry volunteer director Shirley Haupert, and Gary Danielson.

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